
[영어] Despite, Although, However 차이 연습하기

트리스탄1234 2023. 6. 15. 05:15

안녕하세요 이웃님들 ^.^

좋은 아침입니다.

오늘은 영어 책이나. 문장에서 밥먹듯이 나오는 단어 3개

However와 Although, 그리고 Despite의 차이에 대해서 포스팅을 하려고 합니다.

아래에 연습 문제도 붙여 놓았으니. 심심하실때..^.^

한번씩 보세요 ^.^


Despite는 전치사 이구요. 그래서 뒤에는 명사나 ing형식의 단어가 나옵니다.

뜻은 '~임에도 불구하고' 나는 의미로 사용이 되지요 .


because of 는 '~때문에 '라는 뜻으로 사용이 되구요. 뒤에 명사가 옵니다.


however는 접속사가 아니구요. 접속 부사 입니다. however 앞에는 마침표'.'가 오거나 세미콜론";"이 와야 됩니다. 뜻은 '하지만'이란느 뜻으로 사용이 되지요. 보통 however앞의 문장의 뜻과 반대되는 애기를 할때 사용이 됩니다.

네번째 although는 '비록 ~일지라도'라는 의미로 사용이 되구요, 접속사 입니다. 보통 두개의 절을 연결할때 사용이 됩니다.

그럼 이제 문제를 풀어 보시죠 ^.^


1. She failed ................. working hard.

a) despite

b) however


c) although

2. He won ................. of his teacher.

a) despite

b) because

c) due to

3. She tried hard; ................., she couldn't succeed.

a) however

b) although

c) despite


4. ................... the evening was cold, we went for a walk.

a) although

b) however


c) despite

5. .................. her illness, she attends school regularly.

a) despite

b) although

c) however

6. The judge sent her to prison ................. the fact that she had small children.

a) despite

b) although

c) however

7. The judge sent her to prison .................. she had very small children.

a) although

b) despite

c) however

8. .................. she didn't enjoy the movie, I liked it a lot.

a) though

b) however

c) although

9. His health was deteriorating; ..................., he refused treatment.

a) although

b) however

c) despite

10. The restaurant is good, ..................... expensive.

a) though

b) however

c) despite

11. She is old; .................., she enjoys good health.

a) however

b) although

c) despite

12. ................. her poverty, she is content.

a) despite

b) although

c) however


  1. She failed despite working hard.
  2. He won because of his teacher.
  3. She tried hard; however, she couldn’t succeed.
  4. Although the evening was cold, we went for a walk.
  5. Despite her illness, she attends school regularly.
  6. The judge sent her to prison despite the fact that she had small children.
  7. The judge sent her to prison although she had very small children.
  8. Though she didn’t enjoy the movie, I liked it a lot.
  9. His health was deteriorating; however, he refused treatment.
  10. The restaurant is good, though expensive.
  11. She is old; however, she enjoys good health.
  12. Despite her poverty, she is content



"이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다."

